The Vineyard is a safe haven that provides the resources you may need in the various seasons of life
When the world is too fast and its measurements of success are set way too high, we provide an environment for ladies to believe in themselves and feel worthy enough, living life abundantly!
The Vineyard is a place where people can gather, be seen, and just talk, helping each other; thus, a venue for letting people know it is going to be okay when their world feels like it’s falling apart.
Whether you are hurting, lonely, stressed out, and need somebody who has been there before to help direct your path, the Vineyard is meant to connect you to other people who know exactly what you are going through…and will help you without any judgment or eyerolls.
Our mission is to be the people God calls us to be, reaching out to find the people who need a guiding hand, and using past experiences to lift each other up. We want to love on you because that is what we are called to do…regardless if you think you deserve it or not.
We gather at The Vine, to equip ladies with knowledge and passion for God’s Word and His Truth – giving them assurance and encouragement to choose to be used daily by God for His glory!
We bring together:
- Ladies needing friends
- Parents/Single Moms
- People grieving the loss of a loved one
- People too stressed to function every day
- High schoolers worried about graduating or choosing their next step in life
- Middle schoolers looking for the right friends
- Adopted children and adults looking for others who “get” them
- New business owners
- ….and many other groups
Our regular groups are formed and based on the current needs of the people who are involved with the Vineyard. If you don’t think you fit in, we will find the right people just for you. We do it all the time!
The Vineyard is NOT a church:
- We are not a large organization. The Vineyard is a small house in a grassy field surrounded by gorgeous oak trees, run by normal people who feel called by God to reach out and find others seeking guidance. We chose a small place away from the rest of the world so people can sit down, breathe, and “rest.”
The Vineyard is NOT a Bible study:
- Our goal is not to sit people down with a structured devotional and work through the Bible. Our mission is to “show what Jesus looks like in our homes and lives”…helping others as they learn more about Him and scripture. We all use our own stories and experiences as we wish someone would have done so for us. Our priority lies in the people sitting around a table looking for help and showing them how God is guiding our lives and giving us the answers to our everyday problems. We do have additional Bible studies available, but that is not “what we do.”
The Vineyard is NOT a formal place:
- We bring neighbors, friends, and strangers together and chat while watching birds under a tree. We will host a get-together, dinner, or potluck with zero expectations from you: we are here for you.
The Vineyard is NOT a missionary group:
- Religious affiliation is never a requirement in our eyes. Denominations, politics, and personal beliefs are left at the door. We are here for your story and your worry, regardless of where you come from or your faith experience.
Our name is based on this verse:
“I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
Because nowhere in the Bible does it ever say we are to go through life alone.
God is meant to be in all of our lives, and He does this through us as we meet each other and build each other up.
"Be Nurtured. Be Pruned. Be Fruitful."
If you are a woman or girl seeking answers, healing, counseling, direction, support or just need to hear someone else’s story, join us at our Tomball, TX location.